All these trips are overflowing with history, and the one about La Réunion covers a lot of natural history.
Those marked 'ROAD' can be undertaken by bicycle, car or motorbike. Those marked 'OFF-ROAD' are more suitable for hikers, mountain bikers or trail runners. In most cases, I include a GPX file for those who like to navigate with GPS. Please note that you follow these routes at your own risk. Particularly off-road, land may slide, trees may topple, paths may disappear or be cut.
Take a ride to the top of the world at the Pic du Midi de Bigorre
![]() OFF-ROAD There are five Pics du Midi in the Pyrenees. The one from Bigorre is undoubtedly the easiest to reach, and it offers a combination of scientific interest and stunning views of the mountains. take-a-ride-to-the-top-of-the-world.html
King Wamba and the Castle of the Vultures
![]() OFF-ROAD Discover a remote castle with splendid views and read the story of a rebellion against the last great king of the Visigoths. king-wamba-and-the-castle-of-the-vultures.html
In the footsteps of Dom Robert
![]() OFF-ROAD Dom Robert’s tapestries were inspired by nature in general and the Montagne Noire in particular. This country hike visits 11 viewpoints associated with his work. in-the-footsteps-of-dom-robert.html
Biarritz, La Rhune and Empress Eugénie
![]() RAIL OR OFF-ROAD In 1859, Eugénie, wife of Emperor Napoleon III, climbed this mountain in grand style. She also did much to develop tourism in Biarritz, Eaux-Bonnes and other parts of the western Pyrenees. Most modern visitors climb the mountain with the help of the scenic mountain railway.eugenie-the-energetic-empress.html
A family stroll through prehistory in the Pyrenees
![]() OFF-ROAD One of my favourite short walks in the Cerdagne is a five-kilometre balade néolithique, or Stone Age stroll, around the village of Eyne. As well as fine views of the Pyrenees, visitors of all ages will be astonished to discover such a wide range of ancient monuments in such a short distance. To help make sense of it all, the tourist office has erected a well-written and nicely-illustrated information board at each of nine stops along the route. a-family-stroll-through-prehistory-in-the-pyrenees.html
Forteresse de Salses: discovering history on the autoroutes of France
![]() ROAD An autoroute rest area with a difference: discover the Forteresse de Salses, built in 1497, besieged many times until it was made redundant in 1659 by the Treat of the Pyrenees which moved the border 40 kilometres further south. forteresse-de-salses-discovering-history-on-the-autoroutes-of-france.html
Visit the most southerly of France's 101 departments
![]() ROAD & OFF-ROAD Although it lies 9,000-kilometre south of Paris in the Indian Ocean, the volcanic island of La Réunion is a true French department, making it the most far-flung corner of the European Union. Climbing the volcanoes requires a high degree of fitness: if you are are tempted, I recommend buying one of the walking guides published by the Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre. which-is-the-most-southerly-french-department.html
A whistle-stop tour of the Pyrenees
![]() RAIL (& OPTIONAL SHORT WALK) This is a circular journey of 470km made entirely by train, which you can start and finish at many stations along the way. An optional 5.6 kilometre walk in the high Pyrenees turns the journey into an international voyage that takes in the Spanish town of Puigcerda. a-whistle-stop-tour-of-the-pyrenees.html
Pigeonniers in the urban landscape of Toulouse
![]() ROAD & OFF-ROAD Follow this 22-kilometre circuit in Toulouse and discover eight magnificent pigeonniers built between the 17th and 19th centuries. pigeonniers-in-the-urban-landscape-of-toulouse.html
The ruins of Liantran: discover one of the oldest pastoral settlements in the Pyrenees
![]() OFF-ROAD Liantran has been used by shepherds for around 7,000 years, and it was surveyed by archaeologists for the first time in 2018. What they discovered makes Liantran one of the largest and most complex pastoral sites discovered in the Pyrenees. the-ruins-of-liantran-discover-one-of-the-oldest-pastoral-settlements-in-the-pyrenees.html
A morning run through 10,000 years of history in the Montagne Noire
![]() OFF-ROAD Why do I love the Lauragais and the Montagne Noire? Where else can you find a heritage trail that offers so much in such a short distance, not to mention seeing France’s most beautiful tree. Map and .gpx file included. a-morning-run-through-10000-years-of-history.html
Celebrating Bastille Day on a cycle ride in the Montagne Noire
![]() ROAD This 73km circuit, suitable for bicycles and cars, takes in seven Cathar-era castles, a mausoleum for fallen heroes of the Resistance, and wonderful countryside. today-is-bastille-day-frances-national-holiday.html
On the ice house trail in the Montagne Noire
![]() OFF-ROAD Pradelles-Cabardès lies just below the highest point of the Montagne Noire – the Pic de Nor. A century ago, this tiny mountain village dominated the ice industry in our region. The best way to grasp the scale of this enterprise is to take a stroll along Le Sentier des Glacières (The Icehouse Trail). not-sure-what-to-do-in-winter-visit-an-icehouse.html